
H80F001XX 800E Aerial Photography Landing Gear Assembly

H80F001XX 800E Aerial Photography Landing Gear Assembly
SKU: H80F001XX

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85,40 €

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800E Aerial Photography Landing Gear Assembly


• Designed specifically for attaching the aerial photography gimbals to T-Rex 800E.
The assembly features high rigidity to withstand the higher payload of aerial photography equipment and increase the stability during takeoff/landings.


• Skid Pipe A x 4
• Skid Pipe B x 2
• Skid Pipe C x 1
• Skid Pipe x 2
• 800E upper landing gear mount x 2
• Landing Skid T-type Mount x 6
• Landing Skid Y-type Mountx 4
• Socket collar screw x 4(M3 x 12mm)
• Socket collar screw x 4(M3x22mm)
• M3 nut - Silver x 4
• M4 set screw - Black x 20
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