H45156QA Slant Thread Main Drive Gear/121T

H45156QA Slant Thread Main Drive Gear/121T
SKU: H45156QA

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6,09 €

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Use for T-REX 450/470 Series

● Must with:H45157 Motor Pinion Helical Gear 12T.
● New style high strength 121 tooth Mod 0.6 helical main hear. The increase gear pitch can withstand higher power, at the same time minimize operational noise. A great upgrade to withstand the modern high power system.
● Utilizes high strength polymer plastic with excellent rigidity and flexibility characteristics.
● Patented unique built in fan design to create induced air flow, effectively cooling electronics and motor.
● Gear ratio 10.08:1.

● CNC M0.6 Slant Thread Main drive gear(121T) x 3 
● Weight:35.3g
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